Highly Engaging Training Courses
Guildford | London | UK | International
Training courses to suit your needs
Michael Westland-Rose Training based in Guildford delivers a range of highly engaging training courses in the surrounding area including London, across the whole of the UK and worldwide. The courses listed purely represent Michael’s main core subjects. He also delivers a variety of related sub-topics such as; assertiveness, confidence building, virtual meetings, sales pitches, effective slide design. Michael also has a network of associates to help with other subject areas, please get in touch with Michael to discuss a bespoke programme.
Presentation Skills
(Face to face or virtual)
Let’s face it, a reputation can be made or broken based on how well a presentation goes. The digital age we live can add even greater challenges as a growing number of presentations are streamed or recorded for people to access on-line. This training can be adapted to develop skills for both face to face or online presentations.
Trainees learn how to:
- prepare a powerful presentation
- structure a presentation for maximum attention
- open and close the with upmost impact
- maintain audience engagement throughout
- personal delivery and stage-craft skills
- present compelling and influential information
- manage difficult questions effectively
Training For Trainers
People who are selected to teach others are chosen for their knowledge. The unfortunate truth is that great knowledge doesn’t always transpire into great training ability. Teaching sessions loaded with too many complex slides and pitched incorrectly can produce very limited learning! This programme looks at how to ensure the knowledge in the trainers brain is properly transferred into the brains of the learners, either face to face or via virtual training.
Trainees learn how to:
- plan and prepare effective face to face or virtual training
- analyse learning styles and adapt the training
- pitch the training around how people learn best
- create an interactive, engaging and participative approach
- maintain trainees engagement
- ensure the learning is memorable
- utilise personal delivery techniques
- use questions to assess that objectives are met
High Impact Communication For Leaders
The internet provides enormous amounts of information about leadership principals, key qualities and ways to be a great leader. However, this training focuses on one of the most essential core skills of good leadership – communication. Our ever more unpredictable and complex world requires leaders to share information with quick, strong, clear and precise communication – face to face, online and written word.
Trainees learn how to:
- maximise clarity in all communications
- manage complex information to create brief messages
- deliver persuasive and influential communications
- manage meetings to produce clear outcomes
- manage attitudes during difficult conversationse
- manage responses to ensure positive outcomes
- produce clear and influential business writing
… and trainees discover how to apply the above to:
- presentations, webinars and webcasts
- letters, emails, reports and proposals
- meetings, performance reviews and interviews
NB – An adapted version of this programme focuses on personal impact and influencing skills. Details can be provided on request.
Effective Team Building
This special programme, originally created for the UK Civil Service in partnership with KPMG, helps anyone involved in creating, leading and managing teams. The contents can be tailored to suit all environments to include tips for office based, home based or dispersed teams. Additionally the programme has many options of delivery such as face to face, live virtual training and task or fun exercise based.
Trainees learn how to:
- apply key considerations for creating effective teams
- enhance team dynamics creating well balanced and holistic teams
- assess current team strengths and areas for development
- understand common challenges and ways to overcome them
- develop own leadership or managerial skills and qualities
- develop, engage and motivate teams and individuals
- develop confidence in team members where required
- create a game plan for future growth of the team(s)
- handle difficult conversations to create positive outcomes
Personal Impact, Resilience & Influencing
(Face to face or virtual delivery)
This is a unique programme which ties together three aspects of personal development that are very strongly connected. Where anyone one of these is a challenge (personal impact – resilience – influence) it can easily impact the other as well.
Aristotle identified the combination of ethos, logos and pathos. Ethos being about communicating ones own expertise, using the right language and having authority in a subject. Pathos is the skills of persuasion and appealing to emotions. Logos is to convince recipients using logic and reason. This course covers this and much more, but developing the right mix of ethos, logos and pathos is a great starting point.
It may be worth noting that a tailored version of this course can of course simply cover one or two of the three areas if a more specific or focused approach is required.
Trainees learn how to:
- apply a variety of personal development tools that help create greater authority & influence
- develop positive personal branding and a personal mission statement
- manage the important aspect of first impressions count
- establish and develop models of behaviour that create a positive lasting impression
- develop strong communication and interaction skills
- achieve stronger personal confidence and resilience
- utilise good time management and personal management principles
- find their voice and utilise personal strengths to build greater levels of attention from others
- develop stronger influencing skills whilst communicating with peers and bosses
- effectively manage the more difficult conversations and use positive reflection techniques
Business / Report Writing
(Face to face or virtual delivery)
There are two popular misconceptions about the written word. One is that ‘only the recipient will see this’. The other is ‘my report will be read in detail, like a novel’.
Although there can be documents that carry tight security around them, often the reality is that much of time you never know where some business writing can end up.
So emails, letters, reports, proposals etc. need to be treated like a presentation. They represent your organisation. The question is, do they represent the organisation in the best light?
This course can be adapted to look at a variety of business writing, or to focus on the creation of effective reports, proposals, business cases or promotional literature.
Trainees learn how to:
- apply good planning skills for effective business writing
- apply a strategy that achieves best practice
- create business writing that has extra clarity and readability
- use design and layout for achieving greater reader engagement
- make use of visual aid tools to help raise better reader understanding
- enhance use of language, grammar and proof reading skills
- apply influencing technique (where required) in the written word
- produce business writing that creates a positive response from the reader(s)
Public Speaking
Keynote speeches and conference speeches
(Face to face or virtual programme options)
The key to a great public speech is in using a myriad of failsafe ways to engage people, combined with professional stagecraft skills that make best use of the setting. This training can be adapted to help all aspects from creation of the speech right through to the delivery. For groups of up to eight people or individual one on one coaching.
Trainees learn how to:
- create and prepare a great speech
- structure the speech to gain maximum attention
- open and close the speech effectively
- maintain audience engagement throughout
- make the most of personal delivery skills
- utilise effective stage-craft techniques
- manage questions effectively (public or media)
Influencial Story Telling (For leaders or Sales)
(Face to face or virtual)
Story telling has been around for centuries and for good reason. People remember and pass on stories much more easily than other types of information and data.
A key ingredient for making you, your organisation, and general information stand out is by using the art of story telling. Stories help influence and can greatly effect decision making. Like any other, this is a skill that takes practice and fine tuning.
Trainees learn how to:
- Use stories to benefit influencing and/or a sales process
- Use stories to effect peoples’ brain power and how they like to receive information
- Utilize stories to build trust, emotional response and logical response
- Apply cognitive functions to story telling
- Use stories for personal introduction, build report, back up a point, demonstrate successes and overcome obstacles
- Select the most appropriate stories for a variety of scenarios
- Use appropriate questioning technique to draw out stories from an audience/recipients to create targeted interaction
- Present stories in a confident and powerful way for greatest effect
Media Awareness & Handling Media Interviews
A situation that causes enough people to comment on social networks can cause traditional media to pay attention too. This means that any organisation can receive unexpected media attention at any time. The only way to be ready for such an event is to pro-actively prepare. This training can be designed to suit exact requirements and delivered face to face or virtually.
Trainees learn how to:
- proactively plan for unexpected media attention
- avoid pitfalls when media contact occurs
- use media to positive effect
- handle press, radio, TV or internet interviews
- pitch messages for the target audience
- utilise questions to communicate key messages
- handle difficult questions effectively
- make a positive personal impression
- build good relations with media professionals
Introduction to External Communications & Media Interviews
(Face to face or virtual delivery)
Whilst the Media Awareness programme is aimed at those who need to be ready for unexpected attention from the media, this course is aimed at those whose job role is about enhancing external communication, creating PR opportunities or actively seeking media attention.
Aimed at participants who are newer to this field, it can (if required) also include a guest speaker from a PR agency to cover any additional or innovative ideas required.*
Trainees learn how to:
- apply various types of PR activities
- decipher the differences and cross overs between internal & external communications
- enhance or utilise organisational image, missions and staff behaviours that effect PR
- build positive relations with different types of media and provide what they need
- write effective press releases
- make effective use of bloggers, influencers and social media
- deliver confident and professional public speeches
- make the most of media interviews (press, radio, TV and internet broadcast)
- establish key message for edited articles and raise the chances of them being included
- communicate key messages in broadcast interviews (that will even remain in edited versions)
- deal effectively with media at public events (particularly the ones you don’t know)
- apply a systematic approach to assessing or auditing the results of PR activities
- apply or make use of latest innovative PR techniques (delivered by a selected guest speaker)*
Introduction to Supervisory & Leadership Skills - as Chief Communicators & Influencers
To be an effective supervisor means being an excellent communicator – bridging the gap between managers and supervised staff. This programme is aimed at less experienced supervisors or managers and can be just as useful for those new to leadership positions.
Trainees learn how to:
- plan and supervise well within busy environments
- apply team-working tools to build, organise and develop the team
- apply personal and organisational time management skills
- develop excellent communication skills for briefings and presentations
- develop influencing skills with staff and bosses alike
- deal effectively with difficult discussions
- develop greater self confidence and help staff raise their confidence
- apply best practice when delegating tasks
- become a good role model for those who may follow in your footsteps
Personal & Organisational Time Management
(Face to face or virtual delivery)
As the saying goes – time waits for no-one! This course is different from other time management training in that it looks at managing ones own time together with strategies for managing time within teams, and even the organisation as a whole.
Think of how a theatre play has to stick to time. Every actor has to be in the right position at exactly the right time to deliver their lines at the precise moment. The play also has to stick to a finishing time, and this must be the same for every performance. Think of how a TV production has a strict filming schedule (which the actors and entire crew must work to), but which also must be edited to fit within a strict broadcasting time-slot – right down to the second.
Now think of a scenario in which someone asks if they can have a couple of minutes of your time but half an hour later they are still there!
If you don’t manage time then time will manage you….
Trainees learn how to:
- apply a variety of concepts and practical models for personal time management
- make use of strategies for managing time with teams and departments
- identify objectives, goal setting and devise better scheduling
- improve planning skills, prioritising tasks and projects
- apply a formula for developing better organisational use of time
- apply time awareness and time management to daily, weekly, monthly tasks
- apply strategies to managing projects
- make use of routines within task scheduling
- enhance time keeping for projects, communications, meetings and presentations
- evaluate the use of time & manage any scheduling technology used
- delegate effectively for better use of time
- Apply time management for general life skills & developing a better work-life balance
Click below for more information
Presentation Skills
(Face to face or virtual)
Let’s face it, a reputation can be made or broken based on how well a presentation goes. The digital age we live can add even greater challenges as a growing number of presentations are streamed or recorded for people to access on-line. This training can be adapted to develop skills for both face to face or online presentations.
Trainees learn how to:
- prepare a powerful presentation
- structure a presentation for maximum attention
- open and close the with upmost impact
- maintain audience engagement throughout
- personal delivery and stage-craft skills
- present compelling and influential information
- manage difficult questions effectively
Public Speaking
Keynote speeches and conference speeches
(Face to face or virtual programme options)
The key to a great public speech is in using a myriad of failsafe ways to engage people, combined with professional stagecraft skills that make best use of the setting. This training can be adapted to help all aspects from creation of the speech right through to the delivery. For groups of up to eight people or individual one on one coaching.
Trainees learn how to:
- create and prepare a great speech
- structure the speech to gain maximum attention
- open and close the speech effectively
- maintain audience engagement throughout
- make the most of personal delivery skills
- utilise effective stage-craft techniques
- manage questions effectively (public or media)
Training For Trainers
People who are selected to teach others are chosen for their knowledge. The unfortunate truth is that great knowledge doesn’t always transpire into great training ability. Teaching sessions loaded with too many complex slides and pitched incorrectly can produce very limited learning! This programme looks at how to ensure the knowledge in the trainers brain is properly transferred into the brains of the learners, either face to face or via virtual training.
Trainees learn how to:
- plan and prepare effective face to face or virtual training
- analyse learning styles and adapt the training
- pitch the training around how people learn best
- create an interactive, engaging and participative approach
- maintain trainees engagement
- ensure the learning is memorable
- utilise personal delivery techniques
- use questions to assess that objectives are met
Influencial Story Telling (For leaders or Sales)
(Face to face or virtual)
Story telling has been around for centuries and for good reason. People remember and pass on stories much more easily than other types of information and data.
A key ingredient for making you, your organisation, and general information stand out is by using the art of story telling. Stories help influence and can greatly effect decision making. Like any other, this is a skill that takes practice and fine tuning.
Trainees learn how to:
- Use stories to benefit influencing and/or a sales process
- Use stories to effect peoples’ brain power and how they like to receive information
- Utilize stories to build trust, emotional response and logical response
- Apply cognitive functions to story telling
- Use stories for personal introduction, build report, back up a point, demonstrate successes and overcome obstacles
- Select the most appropriate stories for a variety of scenarios
- Use appropriate questioning technique to draw out stories from an audience/recipients to create targeted interaction
- Present stories in a confident and powerful way for greatest effect
High Impact Communication For Leaders
The internet provides enormous amounts of information about leadership principals, key qualities and ways to be a great leader. However, this training focuses on one of the most essential core skills of good leadership – communication. Our ever more unpredictable and complex world requires leaders to share information with quick, strong, clear and precise communication – face to face, online and written word.
Trainees learn how to:
- maximise clarity in all communications
- manage complex information to create brief messages
- deliver persuasive and influential communications
- manage meetings to produce clear outcomes
- manage attitudes during difficult conversationse
- manage responses to ensure positive outcomes
- produce clear and influential business writing
… and trainees discover how to apply the above to:
- presentations, webinars and webcasts
- letters, emails, reports and proposals
- meetings, performance reviews and interviews
NB – An adapted version of this programme focuses on personal impact and influencing skills. Details can be provided on request.
Media Awareness & Handling Media Interviews
A situation that causes enough people to comment on social networks can cause traditional media to pay attention too. This means that any organisation can receive unexpected media attention at any time. The only way to be ready for such an event is to pro-actively prepare. This training can be designed to suit exact requirements and delivered face to face or virtually.
Trainees learn how to:
- proactively plan for unexpected media attention
- avoid pitfalls when media contact occurs
- use media to positive effect
- handle press, radio, TV or internet interviews
- pitch messages for the target audience
- utilise questions to communicate key messages
- handle difficult questions effectively
- make a positive personal impression
- build good relations with media professionals
Effective Team Building
This special programme, originally created for the UK Civil Service in partnership with KPMG, helps anyone involved in creating, leading and managing teams. The contents can be tailored to suit all environments to include tips for office based, home based or dispersed teams. Additionally the programme has many options of delivery such as face to face, live virtual training and task or fun exercise based.
Trainees learn how to:
- apply key considerations for creating effective teams
- enhance team dynamics creating well balanced and holistic teams
- assess current team strengths and areas for development
- understand common challenges and ways to overcome them
- develop own leadership or managerial skills and qualities
- develop, engage and motivate teams and individuals
- develop confidence in team members where required
- create a game plan for future growth of the team(s)
- handle difficult conversations to create positive outcomes
Personal Impact, Resilience & Influencing
(Face to face or virtual delivery)
This is a unique programme which ties together three aspects of personal development that are very strongly connected. Where anyone one of these is a challenge (personal impact – resilience – influence) it can easily impact the other as well.
Aristotle identified the combination of ethos, logos and pathos. Ethos being about communicating ones own expertise, using the right language and having authority in a subject. Pathos is the skills of persuasion and appealing to emotions. Logos is to convince recipients using logic and reason. This course covers this and much more, but developing the right mix of ethos, logos and pathos is a great starting point.
It may be worth noting that a tailored version of this course can of course simply cover one or two of the three areas if a more specific or focused approach is required.
Trainees learn how to:
- apply a variety of personal development tools that help create greater authority & influence
- develop positive personal branding and a personal mission statement
- manage the important aspect of first impressions count
- establish and develop models of behaviour that create a positive lasting impression
- develop strong communication and interaction skills
- achieve stronger personal confidence and resilience
- utilise good time management and personal management principles
- find their voice and utilise personal strengths to build greater levels of attention from others
- develop stronger influencing skills whilst communicating with peers and bosses
- effectively manage the more difficult conversations and use positive reflection techniques
Business / Report Writing
(Face to face or virtual delivery)
There are two popular misconceptions about the written word. One is that ‘only the recipient will see this’. The other is ‘my report will be read in detail, like a novel’.
Although there can be documents that carry tight security around them, often the reality is that much of time you never know where some business writing can end up.
So emails, letters, reports, proposals etc. need to be treated like a presentation. They represent your organisation. The question is, do they represent the organisation in the best light?
This course can be adapted to look at a variety of business writing, or to focus on the creation of effective reports, proposals, business cases or promotional literature.
Trainees learn how to:
- apply good planning skills for effective business writing
- apply a strategy that achieves best practice
- create business writing that has extra clarity and readability
- use design and layout for achieving greater reader engagement
- make use of visual aid tools to help raise better reader understanding
- enhance use of language, grammar and proof reading skills
- apply influencing technique (where required) in the written word
- produce business writing that creates a positive response from the reader(s)
Introduction to External Communications & Media Interviews
(Face to face or virtual delivery)
Whilst the Media Awareness programme is aimed at those who need to be ready for unexpected attention from the media, this course is aimed at those whose job role is about enhancing external communication, creating PR opportunities or actively seeking media attention.
Aimed at participants who are newer to this field, it can (if required) also include a guest speaker from a PR agency to cover any additional or innovative ideas required.*
Trainees learn how to:
- apply various types of PR activities
- decipher the differences and cross overs between internal & external communications
- enhance or utilise organisational image, missions and staff behaviours that effect PR
- build positive relations with different types of media and provide what they need
- write effective press releases
- make effective use of bloggers, influencers and social media
- deliver confident and professional public speeches
- make the most of media interviews (press, radio, TV and internet broadcast)
- establish key message for edited articles and raise the chances of them being included
- communicate key messages in broadcast interviews (that will even remain in edited versions)
- deal effectively with media at public events (particularly the ones you don’t know)
- apply a systematic approach to assessing or auditing the results of PR activities
- apply or make use of latest innovative PR techniques (delivered by a selected guest speaker)*
Introduction to Supervisory & Leadership Skills - as Chief Communicators & Influencers
To be an effective supervisor means being an excellent communicator – bridging the gap between managers and supervised staff. This programme is aimed at less experienced supervisors or managers and can be just as useful for those new to leadership positions.
Trainees learn how to:
- plan and supervise well within busy environments
- apply team-working tools to build, organise and develop the team
- apply personal and organisational time management skills
- develop excellent communication skills for briefings and presentations
- develop influencing skills with staff and bosses alike
- deal effectively with difficult discussions
- develop greater self confidence and help staff raise their confidence
- apply best practice when delegating tasks
- become a good role model for those who may follow in your footsteps
Personal & Organisational Time Management
(Face to face or virtual delivery)
As the saying goes – time waits for no-one! This course is different from other time management training in that it looks at managing ones own time together with strategies for managing time within teams, and even the organisation as a whole.
Think of how a theatre play has to stick to time. Every actor has to be in the right position at exactly the right time to deliver their lines at the precise moment. The play also has to stick to a finishing time, and this must be the same for every performance. Think of how a TV production has a strict filming schedule (which the actors and entire crew must work to), but which also must be edited to fit within a strict broadcasting time-slot – right down to the second.
Now think of a scenario in which someone asks if they can have a couple of minutes of your time but half an hour later they are still there!
If you don’t manage time then time will manage you….
Trainees learn how to:
- apply a variety of concepts and practical models for personal time management
- make use of strategies for managing time with teams and departments
- identify objectives, goal setting and devise better scheduling
- improve planning skills, prioritising tasks and projects
- apply a formula for developing better organisational use of time
- apply time awareness and time management to daily, weekly, monthly tasks
- apply strategies to managing projects
- make use of routines within task scheduling
- enhance time keeping for projects, communications, meetings and presentations
- evaluate the use of time & manage any scheduling technology used
- delegate effectively for better use of time
- Apply time management for general life skills & developing a better work-life balance

The difference that makes the difference
A note from Michael:
My promise to you is that all training is designed to your specific requirements whilst also catering for every trainees personal objectives.
When I worked as an actor I always found the best directors were the ones that brought out the best of each performers’ strengths, enabling them to shine in their own right. I have always applied this principle to my training and found it really does make a difference – creating over 25 years of successful results for an international portfolio of clients.
I achieve this by keeping purely to my specialist subject areas and working with small groups of up to eight people – or providing one to one coaching. I use and teach a variety of skills I learnt as an actor and business owner, and my approach is always positive, interactive and highly practical – offering plenty of practice to bring out individual strengths and talents.
Fees can be adapted to match your project requirements and your budget. As a rough guide, one to one coaching usually starts at around £390 per day and £790 per day for group training. I can also quote for half day events, virtual and bitesize learning – just ask and I will always try my best to help.
N.B. Fees for working as an associate with training providers vary and can be arranged on either an ongoing or flexible (project by project) basis.
I look forward to hearing from you
Michael Westland-Rose
Contact us to book
To discuss a requirement or place a booking for live training services in Guildford, London, the UK or worldwide then contact Michael today.